Laws of Development of the Indian Constitution

Fourth Phase (1909-1935):

1909council of India Act:

·     The law is referred to as the 'Minto-Marley' version.

v  Note: 'Minto- British Viceroy

          'Marley' - Minister of Home Affairs

·         For the first time in India, Muslims were given special constituencies in the Legislative Assembly under this Act.

·         'Minto' is described as the father of the religoous constituency.

·         Note: This Act was the basis for the separation of India into two independent unions under the 1947 Indian Independence Act.

·         This law was the first in India to introduce a 'direct election' system.

·         The law increased the number of members of the Governor-General's Legislature from 16 to 60.

·         This Act was the first time that the Governor-General had given an opportunity to Indians in the Executive Council.

v  Note: Satyendra Prasad Sinha was the first Indian to join the Governor General.

·         Under this law the central legislative branches were called the Imperial Legislature.

       1919 Government of India Act:

·         This Act is referred to as the “Mountage Chamsford Reforms”.

·         'Montague' - Minister of Indian Affairs

·         'Chelmsford' - British Viceroy & British Governor General

·         This law came into force in 1921.

·         This law was the first in India to introduce a dual government policy.

·         This dual government policy was first introduced in the states.

·         A bicameral system was first introduced at the Center following this Act.

v  Note: The bicameral system divides the Central and Legislative Departments into two Houses

 1) Upper House (Council of States)

               2) Lower House (Legislative Assembly)

·         ‘Sir Frederick White’ was appointed the first Chairman of the Council of States.

·         The first Chairman elected to the Legislative Assembly - V. J. Patel

·         The Act introduced a bicameral system in India.

·         The Act established for the first time the post of 'High Commission of India' to manage Indian diplomatic affairs.

·         According to the law, Anglo Indians, Indian Christians and Sikhs were allotted special constituencies in the legislatures.

·          The law separates the state budget from the central budget.

·         The power to design and approve the state budget is vested in the state government.

·         A Public Service Commission has been set up to look into the recruitment of government employees in the country under this Act.

v  Note: When the first Public Service Commission was formed in 1926, a responsible government was introduced as its first chairman.

                The Indians are responsible for this

                The government is said to be a partially responsible government.

Simon Commission 1927):

·         The British government in 1927 appointed a six-member commission, chaired by Sir John Simon, to review the 1919 Government Act.

·         The Commission visited India in 1928.

·         Political parties in India boycotted the Simon Commission because Indians were not members of the Commission.

·         The Simon Commission later submitted its report to the British Government in 1930.

·         Main Recommendation: Dissolved the dual government in the states and introduced a responsible government.

·         This was reviewed at the following 3 round table meetings held by the Simon Commission in London.

              1) First Round Table Meeting - 1930

              2) Second Round Table Meeting - 1931

              3) Third Round Table Conference - 1932

·         The Indian who participated in the above three meetings - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

·         Women Representative in the above three round table meetings – Sarojini Naidu.

·         INC Representative to the Second Round Table Conference - Mahatma Gandhi.

·         The 'Government of India Act 1935' was framed as a result of round table discussions.

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