Ø Recently US doctors have successfully transplanted a
genetically-modified pig heart to a 57-year-old patient with terminal heart
Ø University of Maryland Medicine (UMMC) doctors organized the procedure called 'Xenotransplantation'.
v Xenotransplantation
Ø Process
of transplanting organs or tissues between members of different species
(Animals to humans).
Ø It
could help in solving the global organ shortage .
Ø The patient Name David Bennett, a Maryland resident, USA. He
is hospitalized for the past few months.
Ø University of Maryland Medicine (UMMC) doctors said,he is doing well three days after a first-of-its-kind surgery.
Ø Pigs
are the popular candidates for organ transplantation recently. Because their organs
are anatomically similar to those of humans and are more tuned for genetic
Ø The
problem oh ‘organ rejection’ by genetically altering pigs.
Ø Future
use pig organs and cells for transplant into humans will revolutionize
Ø 1977
in India,two surgeons conducted a pig to human heart & lung transplant in Guwahati(Assam)
on a 32 year old farmer .But the man died in a week because of infection. Both doctors will arrested .