Two New Plant Species Discovered in Kerala

        Two new plant species discovered in kerala :

  • Westran Ghats of kerala's Ponmudi hills,Thiruvananthapuram, Three research scholars found two new plant species.
  1. Fimbristylis sunilii :Fimbristylis sunilii  after named plant toxanamist C.N Sunil,retired professeor and reserch guide of Botany.Perennialplant of the Cyperceae family found in grassland.
  2. Neanotis prabhuii : It has beeen named after K.M Prabhu Kumar Senoor scientist at CSIR-NBRI Luknow.It has been provisionally assesed data deficient under the IUCN red list categories.Prostrate perennial herb from the Rubiaceae family and grows on high- altitude of grasslands.

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