Introduction Of James Webb Telescope

 James Webb  Telescope :

Image Source-BBC

  • The telescope is name after James E.Web,who was the administrator of NASA an integrall role on the apollo program(1961 to 1968).
  • On its missionto help scientists understand the origins of universe and earth like plannets beyond our solar system ,james webb Telescope  was blastedoff into its orbit.
  • This is the world's most powerful telescope.
  • It was built by NASA contributions from the European Space Agency(ESA) and the Canadian space agency(CSA).
  • Webb is the successor of the Hubble telescope.
  • It will give scientists an opportunity to observe
          - Galaxy evolution

          - formation of stars and planets

          - explanetary systems,and our own solar system

  • It will operate from a nearly distance 15,00,000 km away from earth.
  • The telescope element consists of 18 hexagonal mirror segments made of gold palted baryilium    


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